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C/C++ Source or Header  |  1993-07-27  |  15KB  |  268 lines

  1. /*
  2.  * Copyright (C) 1985-1992  New York University
  3.  * 
  4.  * This file is part of the Ada/Ed-C system.  See the Ada/Ed README file for
  5.  * warranty (none) and distribution info and also the GNU General Public
  6.  * License for more details.
  8.  */
  10. #include "opnamep.h"
  12. char *op_name(unsigned int opnum)                            /*;op_name*/
  13. {
  14.     static char *opnames[] = {
  15.         "nop",                              /* 0 nop */
  16.         "abort",                            /* 1 abort */
  17.         "abs_b",                            /* 2 abs_b */
  18.         "abs_w",                            /* 3 abs_w */
  19.         "abs_l",                            /* 4 abs_l */
  20.         "abs_x",                            /* 5 abs_x */
  21.         "activate",                         /* 6 activate */
  22.         "activate_new_g",                   /* 7 activate_new_g */
  23.         "activate_new_l",                   /* 8 activate_new_l */
  24.         "add_b",                            /* 9 add_b */
  25.         "add_w",                            /* 10 add_w */
  26.         "add_l",                            /* 11 add_l */
  27.         "add_x",                            /* 12 add_x */
  28.         "add_immediate_b",                  /* 13 add_immediate_b */
  29.         "add_immediate_w",                  /* 14 add_immediate_w */
  30.         "add_immediate_l",                  /* 15 add_immediate_l */
  31.         "add_immediate_x",                  /* 16 add_immediate_x */
  32.         "and",                              /* 17 and */
  33.         "allocate",                         /* 18 allocate */
  34.         "allocate_copy_g",                  /* 19 allocate_copy_g */
  35.         "allocate_copy_l",                  /* 20 allocate_copy_l */
  36.         "array_and",                        /* 21 array_and */
  37.         "array_catenate",                   /* 22 array_catenate */
  38.         "array_move",                       /* 23 array_move */
  39.         "array_not",                        /* 24 array_not */
  40.         "array_or",                         /* 25 array_or */
  41.         "array_slice",                      /* 26 array_slice */
  42.         "array_xor",                        /* 27 array_xor */
  43.         "attribute",                        /* 28 attribute */
  44.         "call_g",                           /* 29 call_g */
  45.         "call_l",                           /* 30 call_l */
  46.         "call_predef",                      /* 31 call_predef */
  47.         "case_b",                           /* 32 case_b */
  48.         "case_w",                           /* 33 case_w */
  49.         "case_l",                           /* 34 case_l */
  50.         "compare_b",                        /* 35 compare_b */
  51.         "compare_w",                        /* 36 compare_w */
  52.         "compare_a",                        /* 37 compare_a */
  53.         "compare_l",                        /* 38 compare_l */
  54.         "compare_d",                        /* 39 compare_d */
  55.         "compare_x",                        /* 40 compare_x */
  56.         "compare_struc",                    /* 41 compare_struc */
  57.         "convert_to_g",                     /* 42 convert_to_g */
  58.         "convert_to_l",                     /* 43 convert_to_l */
  59.         "create_b",                         /* 44 create_b */
  60.         "create_w",                         /* 45 create_w */
  61.         "create_a",                         /* 46 create_a */
  62.         "create_l",                         /* 47 create_l */
  63.         "create_d",                         /* 48 create_d */
  64.         "create_x",                         /* 49 create_x */
  65.         "create_copy_b",                    /* 50 create_copy_b */
  66.         "create_copy_w",                    /* 51 create_copy_w */
  67.         "create_copy_a",                    /* 52 create_copy_a */
  68.         "create_copy_l",                    /* 53 create_copy_l */
  69.         "create_copy_d",                    /* 54 create_copy_d */
  70.         "create_copy_x",                    /* 55 create_copy_x */
  71.         "create_copy_struc",                /* 56 create_copy_struc */
  72.         "create_task_g",                    /* 57 create_task_g */
  73.         "create_task_l",                    /* 58 create_task_l */
  74.         "create_struc",                     /* 59 create_struc */
  75.         "current_task",                     /* 60 current_task */
  76.         "deallocate",                       /* 61 deallocate */
  77.         "declare_b",                        /* 62 declare_b */
  78.         "declare_w",                        /* 63 declare_w */
  79.         "declare_a",                        /* 64 declare_a */
  80.         "declare_l",                        /* 65 declare_l */
  81.         "declare_d",                        /* 66 declare_d */
  82.         "declare_x",                        /* 67 declare_x */
  83.         "deref_b",                          /* 68 deref_b */
  84.         "deref_w",                          /* 69 deref_w */
  85.         "deref_a",                          /* 70 deref_a */
  86.         "deref_l",                          /* 71 deref_l */
  87.         "deref_d",                          /* 72 deref_d */
  88.         "deref_x",                          /* 73 deref_x */
  89.         "discard_addr",                     /* 74 discard_addr */
  90.         "div_b",                            /* 75 div_b */
  91.         "div_w",                            /* 76 div_w */
  92.         "div_l",                            /* 77 div_l */
  93.         "duplicate_b",                      /* 78 duplicate_b */
  94.         "duplicate_w",                      /* 79 duplicate_w */
  95.         "duplicate_a",                      /* 80 duplicate_a */
  96.         "duplicate_l",                      /* 81 duplicate_l */
  97.         "duplicate_d",                      /* 82 duplicate_d */
  98.         "duplicate_x",                      /* 83 duplicate_x */
  99.         "end_activation",                   /* 84 end_activation */
  100.         "end_for_loop_b",                   /* 85 end_for_loop_b */
  101.         "end_for_loop_w",                   /* 86 end_for_loop_w */
  102.         "end_for_loop_l",                   /* 87 end_for_loop_l */
  103.         "end_forrev_loop_b",                /* 88 end_forrev_loop_b */
  104.         "end_forrev_loop_w",                /* 89 end_forrev_loop_w */
  105.         "end_forrev_loop_l",                /* 90 end_forrev_loop_l */
  106.         "end_rendezvous",                   /* 91 end_rendezvous */
  107.         "enter_block",                      /* 92 enter_block */
  108.         "entry_call",                       /* 93 entry_call */
  109.         "fix_mul",                          /* 94 fix_mul */
  110.         "fix_div",                          /* 95 fix_div */
  111.         "float_add_l",                      /* 96 float_add_l */
  112.         "float_add_x",                      /* 97 float_add_x */
  113.         "float_compare_l",                  /* 98 float_compare_l */
  114.         "float_compare_x",                  /* 99 float_compare_x */
  115.         "float_div_l",                      /* 100 float_div_l */
  116.         "float_div_x",                      /* 101 float_div_x */
  117.         "float_mul_l",                      /* 102 float_mul_l */
  118.         "float_mul_x",                      /* 103 float_mul_x */
  119.         "float_neg_l",                      /* 104 float_neg_l */
  120.         "float_neg_x",                      /* 105 float_neg_x */
  121.         "float_pow_l",                      /* 106 float_pow_l */
  122.         "float_pow_x",                      /* 107 float_pow_x */
  123.         "float_sub_l",                      /* 108 float_sub_l */
  124.         "float_sub_x",                      /* 109 float_sub_x */
  125.         "float_abs_l",                      /* 110 float_abs_l */
  126.         "float_abs_x",                      /* 111 float_abs_x */
  127.         "indirect_move_b",                  /* 112 indirect_move_b */
  128.         "indirect_move_w",                  /* 113 indirect_move_w */
  129.         "indirect_move_a",                  /* 114 indirect_move_a */
  130.         "indirect_move_l",                  /* 115 indirect_move_l */
  131.         "indirect_move_d",                  /* 116 indirect_move_d */
  132.         "indirect_move_x",                  /* 117 indirect_move_x */
  133.         "indirect_pop_b_g",                 /* 118 indirect_pop_b_g */
  134.         "indirect_pop_b_l",                 /* 119 indirect_pop_b_l */
  135.         "indirect_pop_w_g",                 /* 120 indirect_pop_w_g */
  136.         "indirect_pop_w_l",                 /* 121 indirect_pop_w_l */
  137.         "indirect_pop_a_g",                 /* 122 indirect_pop_a_g */
  138.         "indirect_pop_a_l",                 /* 123 indirect_pop_a_l */
  139.         "indirect_pop_l_g",                 /* 124 indirect_pop_l_g */
  140.         "indirect_pop_l_l",                 /* 125 indirect_pop_l_l */
  141.         "indirect_pop_d_g",                 /* 126 indirect_pop_d_g */
  142.         "indirect_pop_d_l",                 /* 127 indirect_pop_d_l */
  143.         "indirect_pop_x_g",                 /* 128 indirect_pop_x_g */
  144.         "indirect_pop_x_l",                 /* 129 indirect_pop_x_l */
  145.         "install_handler",                  /* 130 install_handler */
  146.         "is_equal",                         /* 131 is_equal */
  147.         "is_less",                          /* 132 is_less */